Friday Freebie 1: moving deals through legal faster.

Imagine if you walked into the doctor's office and simply said "I hurt". Nothing more. The doctor is either: (a) messing up your treatment or (b) you're paying tons in time + money as Doctor narrows down the issue with tests + specialists.

Don't be frustrated with the doctor. The doctor needs CONTEXT to help. The who, what, where, when, how, why, and timing are the questions the doctor will ask and you need to answer to get it right.

SO here is the freebie: if you're in sales, business development, or a department working on a supplier arrangement + want to get the deal / agreement done and signed quick here are 2 easy effective tips:

1. before sending to legal thing of the goal/big picture with the same context questions and make sure the document you get or scope you draft matches you're who what where when how and timing. The lawyers need it to make the agreement. '

2. look at the document/agreement before sending to legal. just look at the sections of business or operation terms, like the timing, the price, the deliverabe/scope - think about context, who is doing what by when for how much. Also think about how easily you want to extend or get out of the thing.

THEN send to legal - the document, your thoughts on number 2, and the context from number 1 - watch things go faster and you get less questions. If you just email legal the document and say 'please review' it's the same thing as 'i hurt' - it'll be badly done, or long and slow. The more thorough you are above the faster you'll have your document done and signed.

Good luck!

The One Vie Team


Friday Freebie 2: effectively managing outside counsel AKA a law firm


Coming Soon.