Friday Freebie 4: Present Like The Mystery Reader

Oh, you’ve presented to execs? Boards?! Dozens!! Have you presented to a room full of bored, restless, suspicious, tired, over excited 7 year olds?

This week I did mystery reader for a 1st grade class. Woo wee. I didn’t want to embarrass my daughter (or my ego) so I prepped for this.

Spoiler alert - I didn’t get boo’d out but like a rookie I lost some control during post book Q+A.

To prep I asked myself 2 questions:

1. What would my approach be?

In business school they had us all nervous about use of hands+gap fillers like “um”. I’ve seen the best consultants+lawyers do both+not lose their audience or client.

In Corporate, “experts” in psychology recently pushed using games - like simple unrelated quizzes to force engagement - force attention - most adults don’t like it- the internal groan/sigh. I figured kids wouldn’t like it either. Tell me what I need to know - as well and as quick as ya can.

-Be Mr. friendly / smiley / an entertainer?

No. Kids can often smell a manipulator. I don’t like being talked down to or approached like I’m less than or simple. I decided to treat them like competent adults + act genuine.

If you want to be there most of them will to. Feel the energy of the room and meet them where they’re at. Not force it.

2. What should I read? Something fun with a message. What would these little people remember? Not just that Elodie’s dad is cool, strong, smart etc., all givens - but lessons for life?

-I chose Ferdinand. I left them with 4 messages after I finished (lead them where you want to go):

A. you can be very strong but also kind;

B. it’s ok to like different things - some like to wrestle+ some like art or flowers - some like both - cool. Sometimes others think you should do/like certain things but you know what’s for you- some people won’t like that but I reminded them that his mom loved him no matter what; and

C. you can’t always judge a book by the cover or from one meeting. People thought Ferdinand would be aggressive+ mean because he was so strong + one time (when he sat on a bee) he acted scary - but he was peaceful. Not all are how they seem on 1st impression.

D. People might poke+prod you can decide how to respond - Ferdinand sat down, wouldn’t play that game.

So, for yall presenting- to adults or kids, balance your excitement - you love the content+might be in a great mood, fully caffeinated but meet the audience as they are - with eye content+geuine - most of them want you to present the material to them but not all+none really have a choice to be there- your job is to present clearly and concisely - with that most end up liking the content anyways.

Get it done quickly, clearly, concisely. During Q+A, order is key - so ask them to raise their hand - make eye contact, pick by pointing, give full attention, answer, then next.

Ask the boss for feedback. My kid gave me a smile + 2 thumbs up. I’ll take it.

Good luck,



Friday Freebie 5: conscious capitalism works both - short term and long term


Beware of sleeping with Elephants”